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"It has been my pleasure to know Mike Cannaday for over 30 years, so choosing Precision Builders to build our modern dream home was an easy decision for us to make. Not all builders understand how to execute truly clean lines with simplicity and purity, but Mike does. We were also delighted to work with his preferred architect, Terry Hawkins, to see our dream home drawn with exactly the design details we envisioned.

Although we exceeded our allowances in many cases, that is not necessarily the builder’s fault. In fact, many times, we chose to add upgrades along the way resulting in cost overruns. Throughout the process, I found Mike easy to communicate with, accessible, and willing to make changes when reasonable. I especially loved the showrooms and the vendors that Precision Builders partners with. The showroom designers were very knowledgeable, and they offered a wide range of quality levels and price points. In this day and age of low quality, production-minded subcontractors, I was thankful that my builder brought highly trained, talented craftsmen to our project.

After our home was completed, Precision Builders and their staff continued to work patiently with us to complete our warranty work “punch list”. Subsequently, we have continued to work with PB to add additional upgrades to our property…we genuinely appreciate that PB is willing to complete these small projects at a fair price. In closing, I have no doubt that even in this currently difficult real estate market, we could easily sell our home for much more than it cost us to build…and that is the true test of value."

- Holly C., Argyle, Texas